Messages on Systemic Racism From President Papazian

A number of presidential announcements and updates related to 大学’s efforts to address systemic 种族歧视 on campus have been issued. 请访问下面的链接查看 总统博客网站上的那些留言.


Reflections on the past year’s fight against systemic 种族歧视


I write today to reflect on the progress our campus has made this past year to combat systemic 种族歧视 at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and to look ahead to the work that remains. 一年多一点 ago, I issued the first in a series of campus messages on these critical issues. 很快 thereafter, we launched an ongoing effort to develop concrete, meaningful actions—both short-term as well as long-term—to address current and legacy racial inequities.

Latest updates on our efforts to address systemic 种族歧视 at 菠菜网lol正规平台


Many of us are reeling and distraught, and others are also on edge as the trial involving 乔治·弗洛伊德被杀案仍在继续. 在这方面,我们作出承诺 to developing tangible, actionable plans on issues surrounding systemic 种族歧视. 今天, I write to offer an update on the efforts and actions we have taken at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to address 校园里存在系统性的反黑人种族主义. 

Message to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 community regarding anti-Asian American 种族歧视


The recent killings near Atlanta have deeply affected members of our Spartan community, 尤其是亚裔女性. 我们的亚洲和亚太岛民成员 and Desi/American (APID/A) community are fearful for themselves, families, and friends.

Announcing the inaugural Campus 委员会 on 多样性, Equity and Inclusion (CCDEI)


This committee will identify equity gaps and make recommendations to address systemic historical inequities, prioritizing equity for historically marginalized groups and issues related to improving campus climate through campus engagement, review of relevant 数据、报告和研究.


Updates on Efforts To Address Systemic Racism on Campus


This end-of-year message summarizes 菠菜网lol正规平台’s current progress on creating and executing specific strategies for combatting the specifics of discrimination and exclusion at 大学. 

Announcing the Task Force on Community 安全 and Policing


Consistent with 大学’s ongoing focus on addressing systemic 种族歧视, this message announces the appointment of the Task Force on Community 安全 and Policing. The message also describes the charge of the new Task Force and lists its members 和联合主席.



Last month, I shared immediate and longer-term action items for 菠菜网lol正规平台 to address systemic 种族歧视. Several actions were identified, including steps we would take immediately 以及一些长期的努力. 此消息描述了我们的操作 undertaken these past 30 days and thoughts on the future.



We are creating spaces and mechanisms whereby our campus community members can process the often complex issues of 种族歧视, listen to 一个 another and seek understanding of 别人可能正在经历的痛苦. 在这里,了解所采取的活动 过去一周的地点.

Juneteenth Commemoration and 菠菜网lol正规平台’s 针对系统性种族主义的行动


Juneteenth is a day that, for more than 150 years, has commemorated the end of slavery in this country, a day when African American families and communities celebrate culture, 力量和毅力. This message encourages 菠菜网lol正规平台 managers and supervisors to accommodate employees who wish to honor Juneteenth in any number of ways.



The global protests following the unconscionable killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers--just 一个 of many recent incidents involving systemic 种族歧视 in our 社会——提高了极大的意识. 除了这种意识,人们现在 demanding real, tangible action, including action by our universities.

Call for Community in Light of Recent Racist Attacks Against African-Americans


With news reports centering on the violent killing of George Floyd by a police officer on Memorial Day and the dangerous racial profiling of Christian Cooper, the last several days have been particularly painful for many members of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 community. 这些事件 tap into the lived experiences of many Black and African Americans everywhere.